HypnoBirthing Packages
What I Offer
Private HypnoBirthing Courses
Price covers the cost of the Birthing Person and Birth Partner
Taught on 1:2:1 basis
In the comfort of your home or via zoom
12.5 hours of tuition (5 × 2.5 hour sessions)
HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method Book.
Rainbow relaxation & Affirmations download track.
All course materials.
Telephone / email / text support, before, during and after your baby's birth.
We can be flexible with dates and times of your choosing.
​**Course price excludes travel expenses outside of Amsterdam **
**Course price is including BTW (VAT) and subject to increase as of 1 January 2024**
Free Information Sessions
Would you like to know more about HypnoBirthing?
Come along to this 1-hour FREE information session, and see if it’s the right course for you!
We will talk informally about:
What HypnoBirthing is & how it works.
Things you'll learn during the course
HypnoBirthing benefits
Experience a light relaxation hypnosis.
Watch a HypnoBirthing birth video.
A chance to ask your questions.
This is a no pressure environment and you’re welcome to come alone, but this is a great opportunity for your birth partner to find out more information too.
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